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This is me…Tammy!

Welcome to my first ever blog!

Let’s start off with

The inspiration for todays blog title!

It comes from a song called "This Is Me"  sung by Keala Settle which became the anthem song for the movie “The Greatest Showman”.

This song just inspires me and reinforces my belief that accepting all parts of our selves (the beautiful and not so beautiful) will allow us to be empowered and become the “leading lady” in our own lives.

When I hear Keala sing it (and watch her in this video)…tears…EVERY single time.

It’s just that moving.

I have (slowly but steadily) got to a point on my journey where I am ok to BE ME and I feel safe saying THIS IS ME💖. And this is why I am ready to lead others on this same journey.

Give the song a listen-let me know what you think!

The link goes to my favourite version where they are still in the rehearsal stages of the movie and we get to witness her find her strength, cultivate courage and just step out and into her power. Radical self acceptance right there.

And that’s what I am all about- radical self acceptance…it’s been my biggest learning in this lifetime.

I like to refer to myself as a “Woman in Progress” (WIP) and I will talk more about that in future posts but the WIP is essentially learning to release control, people pleasing, perfectionism, comparison and self judgement (plus so much more) and learning to accept and love all parts of herself (ALL-like I said before… the beautiful and not so beautiful) so that she is her own best friend and advocate and lives a more mindful, empowered, inspired, authentic and peaceful life.

Now a little about me and my journey before I go…

For those of you that don’t know me I am an intuitive guide, a creative, a moon alchemist and an empowered empath…I am also a travel lover, moon gazer and sunset chaser and, of course, a -Woman-in Progress- WIP.

This blog will be all things creativity, healing, transformation, reclamation, life redesign, spiritual awakening, alchemy and the honoring of the woman-in-progress (W.I.P).

For most of my life I have had a need to justify my existence and it wasn’t until 3 years ago that I realized this and had the words to explain what that felt and looked like.

It was a mixture of the imposter syndrome, people pleasing, codependency, identity loss, overfunctioning (of my mind & body), and an immense responsibility for everyone and everything in my life.

I didn’t know for the longest time that I was an empath and that I constantly took on other peoples energy/symptoms/emotions without even knowing it, therefor not knowing what was mine and what was others. But as an empowered empath- that has changed for the better.

And I also didn’t know what codependency meant and until the last 18 months didn’t realize this was me as well.

By 2011, I was in chronic pain and experienced alot of other “weird” symptoms in my body. I dealt with anxiety, overwhelm, fear and exhaustion on the daily and was always worried about what else was going to go “wrong” with me and in my life.

Was I broken, was this me forever, was I dying? The struggle was real!

Eventually, it all took its toll and in 2013 I hit that proverbial wall and, of course, experienced…the B word…that’s right- BURNOUT!

The good news and best part of the story is that I used this an opportunity and woke up, slowed down, started becoming self aware and curious again, and went on a quest for healing answers and have been on that healing and transformation journey ever since.

I now run an online business where I journey alongside women as their intuitive guide as they navigate change, transition, tower moments, spiritual awakening, transformation and life redesign.

My goal is for women to love and accept themselves unconditionally and to empower them to believe in themselves, take the lead in their lives, use their inner compass, trust their journey and know and accept their worth and value in this world.

I know it sounds like alot and we are all worth the effort. If these goals resonate, then stick around and come along on the journey- I am honoured to have you here and I have so much to share!

Until next time…stay curious and take care out there✨

PS. I have and will continue to include an audio of this blog because, like me, maybe you process with the written word and the spoken word. So I give you a choice ;)

PPS. Sign up for the “Letters from a Libran Libran if you would like to stay connected and learn more about me, my work, all kinds of alchemy and would also enjoy card pulls, intuitive guidance, upcoming events and so much more.

Link to sign up HERE

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Blog #1- This is Me...Tammy